Friday, August 12, 2011

The Unites States has the best health care quality in the world, right?

I'm going to ask every reader of Reasonable Conversation to give this podcast from the Incidental Economist a thoughtful listen. You'll hear Dr. Aaron Carroll, and Austin Frakt discussing the quality of the health care in the United States. What you won't hear is a specific policy being pitched. Just a very good, very informative discussion on how quality is measured in the US with regard to healthcare and how the US does compared to other G8/OECD Countries.

 I especially ask those who typically disagree with my belief that the healthcare system in the US is not producing good quality results, especially given what we pay for it. I found this compelling because its a bit of a reset. Its not wonky in the least, and I think paints a very fair minded, rational picture of where we are today.

  You can listen to this podcast right here: LISTEN

  Its about 22 minutes long.

 You can read both Dr. Carroll's and Frakt posts daily at:


  1. A little too much football to spend the time right now Bill. However, we are not the healthiest people due to bad diet and lack of exercise. I do believe that if you HAVE GOOD INSURANCE, it is the best

  2. I'd need to see some evidence that showed a strong enough correlation between a lack of exercise and poor performance in health care quality/outcomes to buy that one.

    Check this out regarding obesity/effect on hc...

  3. Whether its Govt funded or insurance based, I think, when two parties spend a third parties money, its not always the most efficient.
