Monday, September 26, 2011

Islamic Center opens in NYC...Life goes on...

Remember all the emotion a few months ago about the proposed "victory mosque" near Ground Zero? Things got pretty heated and some baseless charges were made against those wanting to see the Community Center be built.

I say its fair to be critical of the builders, who should've gotten more input from the families of those lost on 9/11, but all in all, I remain in favor of this Community Center project going forward.

They held their first event there last week.

Islamic Center Opens Its Doors Near Ground Zero | Fox News:

What makes me stop and think is that when all the protests were in full fury, there was quite a bit of media coverage, especially from Fox News and Conservative talk radio. It was wall to wall, it seemed. I would've guessed that when this facility did begin to hold events, there would be major coverage.

I didn't see very much at all. Did you?

I found this article buried on the Fox news website via a link on the religion page. Which, frankly is where it probably belongs. What I'd suggest is that this is just another example of the media making a big deal out of an issue for ratings. The politicians scored a lot of cheap points on this. I saw this in The Daily Caller...

and this gem from the Daily Mail in London....

Controversial Ground Zero mosque site opens - just two weeks after 9/11 anniversary

Should I be encouraged, perhaps slightly, that the media had a smaller appetite for this story?

I think that few opinions have changed since a few months ago. The people that were against it remain so, just as those who supported it. I ask my readers to reconcile the understated coverage of the art exhibit at the opening last week. If the notion was despicable a few months ago, isn't it still?

The media/talk radio are not our friend...they distort things to get ratings and sell newspapers. Both sides do this, and its destructive to those people who genuinely try to understand what's going on. 

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