Friday, August 5, 2011

Greatest job in the world...

Very light week for blogging due to a heavy performance schedule, I'll be back with a look at the GOP Presidential picture over the weekend.

While the aim of this blog isn't to focus on my music, I felt a need to share an observation about those who I serve daily. I have the greatest job in the world. Performing in Retirement Communities, Nursing Homes as often as I do (about 400 times a year consistently for well over ten years) I'm often struck by the strength, dignity and courage these folks display. Afflicted by disease, with death often just a few months away, they are amazing. They smile, they ask about me and my family, they laugh. Its not surrender as much as its acceptance. Many have fought the good fight and understand the reality of their situation. Nonetheless, the will to "be themselves" until the end is impressive. It can't be easy. Interacting with them is a constant reminder of what awaits us all...someday.

On the other hand, seeing John Boehner tear up or Harry Reed whine about not seeing his pomegranate trees seems awfully pathetic to me...

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