Friday, June 6, 2014

Let Them Eat Cake...(Just not wedding cake...)

I like cake.

As a kid, my favorite was something called cherry-chip cake with white frosting.

As I grew older, I left my cherry-chip phase and turned toward a spice/carrot cake type cake with cream cheese frosting.

Now in my 50's, I don't eat much cake at all. I'm now in my pie phase with peach pie and pecan pie (both served warm with a generous scoop of vanilla ice cream next to it are my favorites now.)

Most of you have heard the story of the same sex couple who have been refused service by a bakery in Colorado. The short version is that Jack Phillips, owner of the Masterpiece Cakeshop in Denver, CO, has refused to make a cake for David Mullins and Charlie Craig's wedding reception. Mullins/Craig took the bakery to court, claiming discrimination. The bakery was found guilty and instructed to make the cake. Phillips now says he's stopped making all wedding cakes, and has no plans to make the same sex couple one for their reception.

Mr. Phillips argument is that its a violation of his religious beliefs that he be forced to provide service/products to a customer he believes violates his faith.

Discrimination is illegal in this country and a person's interpretation that its acceptable because of a religious belief doesn't make it right.

Yes, the couple could've taken their business elsewhere and found a cake, but that's not really the point, is it?

The bakery could've made the cake and used the transaction as a sign of their Christian tolerance and acceptance of all.

A person's religion doesn't trump another person's basic civil rights.


The following exchange occurred on facebook recently regarding this issue. (The person's name has been changed to protect their privacy..)

  • John Doe: Wonder if He'll be forced to bake cakes for KKK events now?
    June 4 at 9:59pm · Like · 1
  • Bill Corfield The fewer businesses we have around that discriminate the better...
    Yesterday at 12:34am · Like
  • John Doe: The man said he would bake.a birthday cake for them. That's not discrimination against a person and their rights. This is opposition to an event. What if a group of Nazis wanted a neo-Nazi celebration of auscwitz cake? He has to bake it. Even if he's against the event. Bizarro world.
    Yesterday at 1:48am · Like · 1
  • John Doe: How many German soldiers were required to do what they were opposed to because it was illegal to do otherwise. Yes. We are getting back to that.
    Yesterday at 1:50am · Edited · Like
  • Bill Corfield The couple in question doesn't want a birthday cake. They want a wedding cake. As virtually ALL wedding couples do for their reception. 

    Your question about Nazi's is well, ridiculous. Wedding cakes have been a staple item of wedding celebrations sinc
    e the 1700's and perhaps before. 

    When you have to "invent" an absurd "Auschwitz" cake to defend your position, you've already lost the point. 

    Simply put, if you want to enjoy the benefits of conducting business in the US, you'll have to not discriminate while you do so. 

    The veiled Hitler references are tired and boring.
    10 hrs · Like
  • John Doe: Let's be honest here. A cake is sweet bread with icing or fondant decorations as a celebration for any event. Wedding cakes are not special. Anything can be put on one as cake boss has gloriously illustrated. With this ruling the bakery has no choice but to bake the cake even if they do not support the activity. Such as a extremist Muslim group having a burning American flag with dead fondant American soldiers that says death to the infidels. Sorry, but let's not be naive.
    5 hrs · Edited · Like
  • Bill Corfield I think you've summed it up very nicely, John. There's nothing left for me to say. 

    1 hr · Like

  Good grief...


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