Tuesday, November 18, 2014

If You Read One Thing About Jonathon Gruber, Let It Be This....

Recently, MIT Economist and Health Policy Expert Jonathon Gruber has come to the media fore front for remarks he made describing the American voter as "stupid," that a lack of transparency allowed the Bill to survive and the Bill was written in such a way that the CBO wouldn't score the "mandate as taxes."

Statements plucked out of various old You Tube videos often lead viewers down a path that really isn't there.

In Gruber's case, he's been held up as proof positive that President Obama was hiding secrets all along and intentionally set out to dupe the American people. I have little time for those voices who seem a little too worked up with the realization that politicians were less than 100% forthcoming to every voter in the land. Nothing about the Affordable Care Act was "snuck in." Media coverage of this reform produced millions of thoughtful words about this entire affair. Take your crocodile tears elsewhere, please..

But, what are we really to make of Gruber's remarks and his actual role in the ACA? Is he "tight" with President Obama and coached him every step of the way or something less so?

Jonathon Cohn has an absolutely terrific article on the whole matter and takes us through the entire involvement of Gruber with the ACA, It is highly worth your time and attention. If you read one thing about this story-make it this piece in the New Republic:

You can read it here: What Jonathon Gruber's Quotes really Tell Us About Obamacare - and American Politics...

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