Monday, June 6, 2011

Resign Mr. Weiner...

  I'm a 50 year old male with what I suspect are fairly typical levels of testosterone, lust, foolishness, ego, etc. It wasn't that long ago I was a single male looking for a good time, a suitable partner to go through life with. Thankfully, I found one and we seem on a path that will see us together until we've drawn our last breath in this world. Two good decades in the books and working on our third, thank you very much...

 Just because we got married way back when didn't mean I stopped noticing other women. A pretty face, a nice shape, etc. simply catches most mens eye, if even for a second. The vast majority of men try not to be idiots about it, but hey, we're guys. That's as far as it goes for most married men, I think. (I'm told that women also "notice" attractive men as well, but aren't as clumsy as we are about noticing women.)

 Late this afternoon Congressman Anthony Weiner of New York went before cameras and apologized to the recipients of his messages/photos. he also apologized to his wife, his family, his constituents, his staff, Andrew Breitbart, the rest of the media. These were sent over the last several years and contained sexually oriented messages and photos of his bare chest and his, uh, junk.

  I just don't get it. I really, really don't get it. Why would any guy send that kind of stuff over the net? Why would a guy with as much to lose as Weiner did, do it for a period of years? WTF were you thinking, Weiner? I could no more fathom taking a picture of uh, my junk and send it anywhere than I could, uh....I don't know. I can't think of something else that could compare to that. Maybe apply for a job as a male stripper? Possibly, cause never going to happen either...Makes no sense, not a damn bit...

 I should say up front that while a citizen of Ohio, I've admired Weiner's legislative work from afar. He seems smart and able to handle the rough and tumble of fighting for what he believes in. I've felt he was a politician with a future. A bright future.

 Well, the admissions today are a game changer. He should resign his seat and move on. He'll land somewhere and do well for himself I'm sure. I think he handled the press conference about as well as he could've. The apology to Mr. Brietbart was a nice touch, I thought.

  At the point that you start zipping sexually laden messages and photos around the internet, you can't be taken seriously anymore. It shows an amazing lack of discipline, self control, judgement and self-image. You lied about it. You can't serve your District, your State, your Party or your Country with such behavior. In your hands voters place a trust, which is supposed to be sacred. Acting so recklessly betrays that trust. You turned yourself and your career into a punchline. An unforced error, which seems to be the new hobby of today's Democratic Party.

  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has already called for a Federal Investigation of Mr. Weiner's actions. I applaud her speed and judgement on this.

  Resign Mr. Weiner. Do so promptly and stay friends with your Party. Stay in office and expose the Democratic Party to a daily (yes, it will be daily for a long time,) dose of criticism and abuse from the Right, I think you will lose many party friends. Your seat will stay Democratic, so there's nothing to gained for the Party by you sticking around. There's no appetite or patience for an unneccessary sideshow. Step down, go quiet for awhile, work on your marriage and consider your next career move.


  1. Yup, time go go agreed-Not only for the falsehoods, but just the plain "really Stupid" tag. How do these guys get elected?

  2. Wiener should not resign untill justice Thomas resigns, he should bring this up every time he speaks publily. How can you fools stand buy when he has committed a far greater offense..... shout it from the roof tops....pound on it until it becomes the topic.

  3. Dems toss more Dems under the Bus, while Repubs give their pigs standing ovations in congress. Dems
