Monday, May 9, 2011

Texas Democrat to GOP Speaker: Ohio towns are more violent than border -

While Dayton, a city I do quite a bit of work in, does have more homicides in 09 and 10 than four Texas border cities combined, I wonder how it would look if we tried to compare apples with apples and not Volkeswagons?

I think you'd need to compare homicides per 1000 people to get a grip on which is the more dangerous area to live in.

EDIT: I dug up the report for 2009 from the FBI Crime Reporting Statistics. Data for 2010 isn't available as of yet...

Homicides per 100,000 people:

Dayton, OH - 25

El Paso, TX - 2

Laredo, TX - 7

Brownsville, TX - 2

McAllen, TX - 3

Texas cities combined = 14

I then expanded my research to look at each State's homicide rate on a per capita basis:

Ohio - .174 Homicides per 1 Million people

Texas - .437 Homicides per 1 Million people

(Oh, snap!)

I'm guessing the guy from Texas won't bring up, but the guy from Ohio just might.


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