Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Obama commits horrific act of dis-respect to victims of Joplin disaster...

  When will this man learn?
  Will he ever learn?

  Attending the weekend Memorial service for the victims of the Joplin, Missouri tornado disaster, President Obama was supposed to be providing comfort and support to the local community. It was a time to listen to stories, talk with local leaders about rebuilding and expressing the condolences of a Nation to those who's lives and town were destroyed several days earlier.

  By all accounts, his remarks were well received. His visit seemed to be just the right balance of emotions. Sympathy and hope. Empathy and a sense of determination.

  I figured something, SOMETHING, would emerge from his visit where he had committed a horrible sin. Offended the locals to the core. Violated some American creed in some way. The media has a habit of producing stories of President Obama's blunders, some real, others imagined.

  Well, he didn't disappoint...

  What did he do this time?

  Brace yourself...

  He was chewing gum during the Memorial Service.

  Not blowing bubbles, mind you. Not smacking it, just chewing gum.

  Thanks to the real sharp folks at Real Clear Politics for their razor sharp eye:

Brilliant journalism.   



1 comment:

  1. So I said to him, I said, "Barry. You pop that gum one more time.. and he did! So I took the shotgun offa the wall and I fired 2 warning shots. Inta his head.
